I have something important to say…

and this will probably get a bit personal, but I hold my clients & followers close to my heart. I think you can take it ;) Some of you know already, some don’t, but either way it’s time for me to make an official announcement!

This girl right here…

{Yep, that’s me!} … will officially be taking time off for a very special reason ♥ Look close!

No, cloooser!

Okay, I’ll show you ;)

In this very beautiful time in my life, I’m proud to announce that I am 5 months (and some odd numbers) pregnant with twins! One perfect little boy and one perfect little girl. These two little buns I’m buttering up are baking for a special mommy and daddy who are all the way on the other side of the US. I’m so blessed to have the opportunity and joy of helping them grow their family!

In light of this news, it’s time that I close up shop for a bit. I’m going to miss you all so so much, but I will be leaving you in good hands with referrals to my favorite photographers here in Bakersfield! Starting Sunday, July 22nd I will not take on any new sessions until early winter. I’ll be taking the time for maternity leave and also for my family to make a big move from our tiny apartment to our new home (yay!). I’m already very anxious about not working for the next few months and very much looking forward to seeing you all again! I will be updating on my blog regularly with posts of my own personal photos though. I hope you stay tuned during that time!

I just wanted to say thank you ahead of time for your understanding while I’m away and all the love you’ve given me over the last few years! I’ll be back and running again soon!

♥Jess Cadena

{Photography by Carrie Anne Miranda. Thank you so much Carrie!}



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