Following my heart

Jess Cadena Photography-Bakersfield Newborn Photographer

I’ve put off this post for almost an entire 2 months now so I set aside a bit of time today so let’s do this!

My little homemade photography business is nearing its 5 year anniversary this summer. Which is totally incredible to me. 5 years of collaborating my love of photography with your love of life’s moments have kept me right where I want to be for this long. I can never put exactly how that makes me feel into words, thank you will never be enough! Over these 5 years I’ve learned so much about photography, business, people,  even myself. It’s been a really, really great journey that I’m so grateful that I get to continue in.

Jess Cadena Photography-Maternity Photographer Bakersfield

And I don’t want to make this a mush fest. I really just want to tell you about a few changes that are big for me and will affect what plans you have for future sessions, especially if you’re my yearly peeps!

As of January 1st, 2015, I made the choice to take Jess Cadena Photography to its new happy place. This place? It’s full of glowing expecting mamas, squishy little newborn babes, & lovers taking the leap into forever after ♥ So that’s it, big huge news is that I’m specializing my photography in Maternity, Newborn, Engagement & Wedding Photography.

Jess Cadena Photography-Engagement Photographer Bakersfield

I couldn’t completely say goodbye to Family Sessions though, there’s just no way. It’s a piece of your story I don’t want to say goodbye to, but in order to keep my personal life & schedule a little less chaotic, I do have to limit the number of family session I take. So I’m offering Family Sessions twice a year, when the weather is tolerable and the sceneries are gorgeous. These will be very limited and I don’t have an exact schedule just yet, so I’m asking you to sign up on my wait list (at the very end of this post) and you’ll get the important details right to your inbox.

Jess Cadena Photography-Wedding Photographer Bakersfield

In an effort to not take this to a gushy emotional place, I’ll end this here with a big gigantic thank you for everything, all of it, for the last 5 years ♥
– Jess Cadena

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