Ruiz Family | Bakersfield Photographer

The seasons have finally changed around here! Thank goodness too because I was starting to get anxious and crabby about it. Fall is my favorite time of year! It also means the sun sets earlier and I’m not interrupting your dinner dates as much, woo!

Ruiz family, it’s always a joy having you!

Bakersfield Family Photographer | Jess Cadena 1Bakersfield Family Photographer | Jess Cadena 2Bakersfield Family Photographer | Jess Cadena 3Bakersfield Family Photographer | Jess Cadena 4Bakersfield Family Photographer | Jess Cadena 5Bakersfield Family Photographer | Jess Cadena 6Bakersfield Family Photographer | Jess Cadena 7Bakersfield Family Photographer | Jess Cadena 8



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